High-quality connections
With years of experience, we offer seamless and integrated solutions for voice communication as an essential component of winning applications. Our Compass platform is an intergated business phone system, that makes possible the primary communication mode between customers and companies’ representatives.
Adaptable building blocks
The adaptability of the platform makes sure it always fits businesses like a glove. It integrates seamlessly with existing PBX platforms and has a lot of ready-made applications.
Become a Compass Partner. Choose the best model for your business.
From developers to developers
More into developer DIY? Compass also offers an API and extensive documentation and libraries to build your own telephony application. Or we can build one for you.
Stay up to date. We will only send you one email per 2 months, letting you know what we have been up to.
"Building our own suite on top of Compass has enabled us to become a leader in the Care market. Obviously, the trustworthiness and stability of the platform have proven it to be the right choice for us."

Gerard Olde OlthofVcare
"We have been a reseller of Compass since the very first hour. Talksome closely involved us in the development of Compass, to make sure it fulfills all the needs of our customers."

Rick SulmanSpeakup
"With Compass, we were able to offer a feature-rich solution to the Belgian market. This includes full integration between mobile and fixed lines."

Bart WeijermarsUnited Telecom